Sunday 25 April 2010

Spring cleaning

Went through the bees today and got my first sting of the year (on my thumb!)

The bees have been bringing in plenty of nectar and queen cells have been spotted in some hives locally, so we were looking to see if there was any serious intention to swarm and have a quick spring clean.

The bees were up the roof space and had built some comb in there, so in need of a super pretty quickly:

We scraped off the brace comb from on top of the frames:

A few frames in- sure enough we found a queen cell, a half hearted attempt and no egg so we carried on:

We found a couple more queen cells-just cups really. We didn’t spot the queen, but lots of sealed and unsealed brood and nectar coming in was a good sign and the bees seem pretty happy (apart form the one that got my thumb) so we were too.

Smoking the bees so they keep their heads down during the clean up!

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